2023.gada novembrī LMIFB ir uzsākusi īstenot projektu Latvijas diagnostikas standartlīmeņu izstrāde rentgenogrāfijā un datortomogrāfijā pediatrijai un kodolmedicīnā (projekta reģistrācijas nr. 1-08/81/2023)

Project implementation time – 30.09.2024.

Project Cooperation Authority - State Environmental Service

Project description:

In order to keep patient doses from diagnostic examinations as low as possible, each healthcare facility needs to carry out regular dose analyses and compare patient doses with reference levels. Currently, reference levels in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine have been partially developed in Latvia. These reference levels are available in Cabinet Regulation No 482 "Regulations on protection against ionising radiation in medical exposure" and in Radiation Safety Centre Guideline No 6 "Reference diagnostic levels for radiological procedures". The existing reference levels are not available for all standard procedures, in particular for paediatric patients and nuclear medicine examinations, and regular updating of the reference levels is necessary, as new technologies and new types of examinations are continuously being introduced into clinical practice, so that the existing reference levels need to be regularly reviewed to ensure that they are in line with current clinical practice and that healthcare facilities have reference levels against which to compare the radiation doses received by patients.

The aim of the project is to develop national benchmarks in radiography and computed tomography for paediatric patients and in diagnostic nuclear medicine for all patients. To produce a summary of patient doses received in 2023 for paediatric radiography and computed tomography and patient doses (MBq) received in diagnostic nuclear medicine and to update the National Environmental Service Radiation Safety Centre Guideline No 6 "Diagnostic reference levels for radiological procedures" to include the new reference levels.

Project "Assessment of the implementation of updated technical parameters for medical-radiodiagnostic equipment" (Reg. No 1-08/50/2020)

In 2020, the Latvian Society of Medical Engineering and Physics in cooperation with the Radiation Safety Centre of the State Environmental Service has developed a report "Assessment of the implementation of technical parameters for updating medical-radiodiagnostic and radiotherapeutic equipment". Due to the ongoing work on updating the technical parameters of radiological devices in the regulatory enactments, the project "Assessment of the implementation of the updated technical parameters of medical-radiological diagnostic equipment" (Reg. No 1-08/50/2020) was launched on 15 July 2020, within the framework of which a report on the applicability, usefulness and resources required for the implementation of the updated technical parameters and measurement conditions of radiological diagnostic and radiotherapeutic equipment was developed.

The document includes a detailed assessment of the parameters by a working group of the Latvian Society of Medical Engineering and Physics, with recommendations on the application of each technical parameter to the regulatory enactments. The evaluation assessed the applicability and usefulness of more than forty parameters, taking into account technical aspects. For each technical parameter, the assessment possibilities, the necessary measuring equipment, test objects and ancillary equipment were identified. The economic evaluations took into account the total minimum cost of the additional instrumentation required for the parameter, the availability of appropriate measuring devices and equipment, and the time required to evaluate the parameter. Of the 48 technical parameters identified, the Task Force recommends that 38 be included in the regulatory framework.

The assessment of technical parameters was carried out in cooperation with the Radiation Safety Centre of the State Environmental Service , VSIA «Bērnu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca», SIA «Daugavpils reģionālā slimnīca», SIA «INLAB», AS «Latvijas Jūras medicīnas centrs», SIA «LIEPĀJAS REĢIONĀLĀ SLIMNĪCA», SIA «Medicīnas sabiedrība «ARS»», SIA «Nukleārās medicīnas centrs», VSIA «Paula Stradiņa klīniskā universitātes slimnīca», SIA «Rīgas Austrumu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca», SIA «Stereotaktiskās radioķirurģijas centrs «SIGULDA»» un Pro-Project Company. 

The project "Evaluation of the implementation of updated technical parameters for medical-radiodiagnostic equipment" (Reg. No 1-08/50/2020) has been implemented with the financial support of the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.

Project report "Assessment of the implementation of the technical parameters for updating medical-radiodiagnostic and radiotherapeutic equipment"

Implementation of the project "Assessment of the implementation of updated technical parameters for medical-radiodiagnostic equipment"


In accordance with the decision of the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund to support the project "Evaluation of the implementation of updated technical parameters for medical-radiodiagnostic equipment" (hereinafter - the Project), the implementation of the Project has started on 15 July 2020. The Project is implemented in cooperation with the State Environmental Service under the activity "Cooperation Projects for Environmental Policy Formulation and Implementation" of the "Multisectoral Projects" call for proposals.

The aim of the project is to assess the applicability and usefulness of the updated technical parameters and measurement conditions in Annex 3 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 482 of 19 August 2014 "Regulations on Protection against Ionising Radiation in Medical Exposure" (hereinafter - Cabinet Regulation No 482) and to determine the resources necessary for their implementation in order to prepare amendments to the aforementioned Regulations.

The project will assess the applicability and usefulness of the updated technical parameters and measurement conditions and determine the resources required for their implementation in order to be able to adapt them to the actual situation of medical institutions and the capabilities of inspection bodies and radiation safety departments.

Project objectives:
1.Define the groups of radio-diagnostic equipment for which technical parameters and/or measurement conditions have been set for updating;
2.To assess the applicability and usefulness of the updated technical parameters and measurement conditions, taking into account technical aspects;
3.Evaluate the measurement capabilities of the updated technical parameters;
4.Calculate the total cost of implementing the updated technical parameters and measurement conditions;
5.Evaluate the feasibility of implementing the updated technical parameters and measurement conditions, taking into account the costs required to do so;
6.Measurement of the technical parameters of the updated radio-diagnostic equipment deemed applicable and useful (where this is possible within the project implementation without additional financial resources);
7. To compile information on the applicability, usefulness and resources required for the implementation of the updated technical parameters and measurement conditions for radiodiagnostic equipment in order to prepare amendments to Annex 3 to Cabinet Regulation No 482 of 19 August 2014 "Regulations on Protection against Ionising Radiation in Medical Exposure";
8. Organise information seminars on current developments in radiation safety

Assessment of the usefulness and applicability of technical parameters and measurement conditions:
The requirements for the technical characteristics of radiological devices, their minimum conformity criteria and measurement conditions for testing and evaluation are laid down in Annex 3 to Cabinet Regulation No 482. The need for updating the technical parameters of compliance and the conditions for testing of radiological devices has been gradually identified. Consequently, both technical parameters and measurement conditions have been set out in the draft Regulation, the breakdown of which is being assessed in the framework of the project "Evaluation of the implementation of updated technical parameters for medical-radiological equipment". In total, 36 technical parameters and/or measurement conditions have been proposed for updating in Table 2 of Annex 3 and 5 in Table 3 of Annex 3 to Regulation No 482.
Projekta uzdevums Nr.2 ietvaros ir izvērtēta visu aktualizācijai izvirzīto tehnisko parametru un mērīšanas nosacījumu, ievērojot tehniskos aspektus, lietderība un piemērojamība. Rezultātā tika konstatēts, ka visi parametri ir gan piemērojami, gan lietderīgi, ņemot vērā tehniskos aspektus un , līdz ar to visi parametri tiek virzīti tālākai ieviešanas novērtējuma veikšanai. Parametru un mērīšanas tālāks novērtējums tiks veikts tādām iekārtām kā diagnostiskās radiogrāfijas iekārtas, rentgenoskopijas iekārtas, zobārstniecības rentgeniekārtas (tai skaitā, panorāmas un cefalometrijas rentgeniekārtas), koniska staru kūļa datortomogrāfijas iekārta (panorāmas 3D zobārstniecības rentgeniekārtas, datortomogrāfijas iekārtas, datortomogrāfijas iekārtas, ko izmanto radioterapijas simulēšanai, mamogrāfijas iekārtas, gamma kamerām un pozitronu emisijas tomogrāfijas iekārtām.

The project "Evaluation of the implementation of the updated technical parameters of medical-radiodiagnostic equipment" is implemented with the financial support of the Latvian Environmental Protection Fund.