"What is radiation?"
This morning, our member Agnese Katlapa was on TV3 talking about radiation. If you didn't have a chance to watch this morning, here is the link to the video: https://play.tv3.lv/Zinas/kas-ir-radiacija,clip-4669844…
This morning, our member Agnese Katlapa was on TV3 talking about radiation. If you didn't have a chance to watch this morning, here is the link to the video: https://play.tv3.lv/Zinas/kas-ir-radiacija,clip-4669844…
Join the Ion Therapy Seminar next week! Kristaps Paļskis, PhD student at RTU Centre of High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies , will share his knowledge and experience.
Society member medical physicist and engineer Artūrs Grigorjevs on "Грэм", talks about what a medical physicist does, why the profession is important and what the prospects are for young people in Latvia.
On Thursday, 26 May at 18.00, the Society is organising a seminar for interested parties on "Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality Technologies in Modern Medicine and Practice". The seminar will be presented by Marta Laņģe, PhD student in Medical Physics. The seminar will be held online, to register go to https://ej.uz/LMIFB and fill in the form.